Boy, have I been waiting for this one.
For those new to House Boat, here's a quick bio on them. The band features Grath and Azeem from the Steinways, Mikey Erg from The Ergs! and Zach from Dear Landlord and Off With Their Heads. The Gist of this band, no one sings. Ha, how's that for cleverness. Their Debut CD, The Delaware Octopus, will probably go down as one of the best pop punk albums of this year, of course I'm probably exaggerating.
The album sounded a lot more like the Steinways than what I thought it would be (I wonder why?) but none the less the tunes are catchy, poppy, and straight down to the point (In other words at times short). Regardless though, the album is a straight up must in your collection.
If interested in buying, head on over to itsaliverecords.com, especially considering that the site is selling about 50 test pressings of the vinyl that are up for grabs. I would have gotten that but I'm on a budget, sadly.
I should be saving up a bit so I can cop a copy of "You Weren't There" that I have been meaning to snag. Till then, catch ya soon!