It's been a long ass while since I wrote on here. Might as well make this thing memorable since I'm at it. Just this month, I bought myself a little 7 inch that is truly a keeper, at least in my opinion. I'm talking about The Ergs!/ The Measure (sa) split released on No Idea a while back.
For those unaware from the picture above, The split gives a nod to both former SNL members Chevy Chase and Norman McDonald, with each band having a cover of both comedians on the split. How? well, the split is actually two 7 inches. Yea, two, and both of them are a necessity.
First up, undoubtedly is The Ergs!. The following tracks come just after their breakup in 2008, during their recording of their supposed last EP That's it, Bye! Regardless, these just may be their most standout tracks yet. One EP has two originals "Dullards and Dreadful Prose" and "Encyclopedia Self-Destructica", with the second split contains tracks "Workage" and "I'll Thrash You When You Think of Me", a shorter version of "I'll Call You When You Think of Me". Just hearing these songs will bring back reminisces of the past, going back to when The Ergs! were still around.
The Measure (sa) has an Ergs! appeal as well, mainly due to Mikey Erg playing the drums for the band. Regardless though, The Measure (sa) is quite the crowd pleaser, playing in a more melodic direction than the Ergs. I'm more fond of vocalist Lauren Measure. Listeners will understand what I'm referring too hearing their takes on "Dullards and Dreadful Prose" and "Workage". The Measure (sa) also provide two originals on each split, aptly titled "Don't Fuck This Up" and "Get It Together", that will heavily go along with their repertoire. Both splits are a must for pop punk fans, looking to get a fix.