Bodycop s/t demo
Fan Death Records 2010
1. Sisyphus
2. Loaves
3. Stay Alive
4. Don't Move
5. Pay Up
The first time I had ever encountered this group was actually from a post made on Maximum Rock N Roll, submitting a live clip of the band performing "Don't Move" at a DC show. Aside from the shitty video quality, Bodycop performed flawlessly, almost artistically if you will. Of course, I had no luck finding anything from the band what so ever online; No Myspace, No Facebook, No Blogspot, but this video and of course, another video interviewing the band (Now course, there's a little more videos going about). Most would have found it odd, considering the hype already given to the band, despite these somewhat crucial necessities that would add more advertisement to the band. Regardless, Once I heard a tape was to be released, I immediately purchased once; a bit excited to hear what the band would bring to the table, aside from the video.
For those unaware of exactly who Bodycop is, it's pure and simple. Hailing from DC, Bodycop provide a different take in terms of underground. Instead of partake in the sounds of original hardcore, Bodycop rather takes another approach to their sound. Heavily influenced by the earlier works of Swans, the band delivers a no-holds-barred attack; a distorted but demolishing bass lines accompanied by drone guitar sound that meshes perfectly with the tribal-like display demonstrated by their drummer and buzzing sounds found throughout the tape. Honestly, it fits perfectly to the Michael Gira sound, down to the core no doubt.
One of the tracks that seem to standout the most to me is "Don't Move", from the first second to last did that track seem to capture my mind. I can name a never-ending list of songs that grabbed me attention, just mainly from intro and this track is definitely added to the list. That drum beat displayed throughout the entire three and a half minutes were mind blowing, building up and up before it hit the chorus. Aside from the drums, the guitars were another factor; incorporating an industrial feel that echos a vivid scene of gears in place moving. I was even more astounded the screams coming out of Kiki, the band's vocalist. It gave the me chills just hearing her high pitch yells, reciting the lines "but oh you could risk this necessary force, but oh this force is necessary". This track was still stuck in my head even after hearing it, repeating over and over again. Fantastic.
"Payup" is another favorite of mine, the longest track on the tape with nine and a half minutes. At first, the track starts out slow before building up just a tad bit, with Kiki bellowing out ferocious yells and the band still laying down their groundwork of noise, buzzing, and feedback that still manages to draw you in. Personally, I feel this would fit nicely to a hallucination, mainly as I find to be very chaotic but somehow satisfying.
Their tape is out now via Fan Death Records, and I still think they have some left over, considering this was just released last month. For fans of Industrial music, such as Swans and Godflesh to name a few, this is highly recommended. For those interested to the appeal of this band, take a gander and hear this tape. For curious to this band from the amount of hype, just tune in and listen for yourself. I was meaning to upload and convert these tracks but another blog beat me to it (Well Fed Noise to be more specific). How laziness has it's toll on me so I provided the link from said blog and posted it on here. Hopefully, this will give the band some attention. Again, credit goes to Well Fed Noise.
If by any chance the band catches wind of this and wants the link to be removed, just send me an email and I'll gladly remove it.
Fan Death Records
I'm also posting up the interview I was talking about from the band, courtesy of Denman Anderson. Gives a more inside look at the band. Enjoy.
Bodycop Interview