I considered this year to be a good run for music, a good way to bring in another decade. I've heard newer grand stuff from unexpected places and ones that just knocked me on my ass and still leave in shock afterwards. I made a couple regrets that I'm still not getting over with, in terms of shows but I'm not too worried with it now, considering the word of mouth going around. Any-who, After trying to recall the rest of the year, I came up with a primo list of records I enjoyed that deserve some credit or two. Some records were already posted that I feel need to be recognized, while others I either got introduced too or haven't been able to write something on them. As for downloads, I'm sure they're scatter around the interwebs so why bother to steal links from those sites. If by any means you haven't heard any of these records, I suggest you start, otherwise you're missing out. If you have any recommendations for me to check out, bring them in. I could learn a thing or two on music.
Ceremony- Rohnert Park LP: I still stand by with this band, regardless of record label association (I'm not too parched over B9) or by change in direction these guys took. I may have probably went a little overboard with this album but give these guys their much needed due. Yea, some songs sound exactly like an
Adolescent's song but honestly, it's better than the majority found the label that are either too focused on masculinity or just boring.
Neon Blud- b-girls LP: This LP was my main anticipation for much of '10. Their demo tape, eventually released as a 7 inch this year, grabbed my ears and a craving for more was much needed. It's not a terrible record by all means, but I was expecting more songs on the LP, instead of 12 minute opuses. Though I'm in no need to criticize, this record still holds up in my book. Side B of this record I felt was great from beginning to end. The addition of a second guitarist made it sound more chaotic and nerve-wrecking, not relying too much on the Sonic Youth influence. From what I understand, the band is out of control at their shows. I sadly missed their show at the Ball hall with Bad Drug and Sea of Shit with work so I honestly have to wait it out till another tour. However, if you haven't heard this at all, tune in.
Merchandise- Strange songs in the Dark LP: Much like Neon Blud, I was expecting a little more from this new release, at least that would be similar to their self titled cassette. More experimental and surprisingly, more darker that what I had in mind. I still give these guys a pat on the back however and am anticipating a stop in Chicago if they do decide to tour. Maybe a couple more listens and I'll truly reconsider.
Top Ten's

1. Double Negative- Daydreamnation
Since my last review, this record has honestly wrecked my life, at least more good than bad. The perfect stable on how hardcore should sound; brutal, hard-hitting, and above all, dangerous. The overall sound on this record could have been a tad bit better, in regards to vocals but still a masterpiece in the making. Cool fact: Bassist Justin Gray had actually emailed me, giving his thanks for the positive review and hoped I was making out to their show at Treasuretown. Although I responded back, work got in the way of actually preventing me to actually talking with the man in person, not to mention seeing Double Negative at their finest but still a good moment. Hopefully, he reads this and write back, but till then, keep them coming fellas.

2. Slices- Cruising
Another favorite of mine this year, Slices proved they were a force to be reckoned with on their new LP. "Medusa" and "Nightmare Man" are two of my favorite tracks on this record, although the whole LP is fantastic. I would have loved to seen these guys live at the Albion House but aside from that, it sounds hellacious and devastating.

3. Be My Doppelganger- No Composure
I had a long talk with some of buddies about this band, seeing that we managed to catch these guys during their stops at The Windy City Sound Clash and a bar in Elgin called the Gasthaus. One of us stated that throughout this entire year, this LP in particular was played nonstop, along with their past album Rock N Roll Genius. Any who, this album will propel these guys to get a little more attention in their way, but it's understood. I enjoyed the poppy, catchy, stuck in head riffs, that just making you want to automatically move to the rhythms. "Backpack full of beers" still haunts my little dreams of a good summer night. Oh, how I miss summer.

4. Libyans- A Common Place
This was mere recent release, at least that I managed to snag myself a copy. Regardless, this piece of work is worth the buy. Nothing like a good hardcore record to get crazy too. Some favorite tracks are "Blood and Rust", "Paralyzed", "Breathing In", and "No Reason". In my opinion, these songs are far better than their sleeper hit "Welcome to the Neighborhood", by far. At the moment, these guys are on tour in Europe to support this release, but hopefully a tour in the US would be granted as well.

5. Total Abuse- Mutt
The mysterious hardcore still prevails in the likes of Total Abuse. Although I hate the term used to describe these type of bands, this record was pure heinous. I guarantee you that this band will eventually get compared to Poison Idea, if that hasn't been brought up. "Caligula" will probably rank as the best hardcore song in latter years, when people start to recognize the pure brutality of the underrated bands in today's scene. It seems like everything this band does is pure genius. I mean, I haven't came across a bad LP or EP from these fellas.

6. The Arrivals- Volatile Molotov
Probably one of the more mainstream bands, this LP definitely ranks at the top in terms of the more recognized figures in the likes of No Idea, Razorcake, Johann's face, etc. crowd. The Arrivals were already on my bands to keep an eye on list, after seeing this guys playing with Naked Raygun last year and devouring myself with The Marvels of Industry album. Volatile Molotov definitely captures the essence of the Midwest. In other words, this is the type of band that fits the definition of what a band should sound like.

7. Raw Nerve- Self titled LP
Everyone knows about the hype found with Youth Attack records, with merchandise from the label selling out with hours only to be found on Ebay with ridiculous prices (I remember seeing the Dan Rossiter zine of his artwork being sold at $75, despite costing $7 from Youth Attack). With this in mind, I passed by this, mainly of the fact that kids were already selling this on Ebay despite a week after being sold out. I opted to download it first, seeing what was to be expected. Eventually, my mind changed about this album, admiring the work found on "Crosses", the finest statement Raw Nerve has contributed in Hardcore. Raw Nerve is definitely aggressive, hard-hitting, and unsettling (I'm still kind of baffled with the poster of a guy getting his dick sucked by a dude but whatever, it's art). One reviewer who runs Dude Fest, described the band as being "Void for the Twenty-first century". It's sums up what you're gonna expect.

8. The Brokedowns- Species Bender
Much like No Composure, this album never did leave my car stereo and honestly, I can't blame it. Probably in the same boat for The Brokedowns, their music is pretty underrated, only described as "a third rate Dillinger Four band". There is a lot more to that found on this CD, that will change the minds of nonbelievers everywhere. Till then, It's not leaving my car till their next CD.

9. Masshysteri- Self titled
This is the only record on here that has members found in another country, sweden to be exact. Is that a bad thing? No, but more surprising for me for reasons unspecified. That said, that was the only thing that hurt this record for me but I still found to be quite enjoyable. Prior to this, I had recently found out this band is going to take a break, probably indefinite. Hopefully, the group cheers up and starts releasing more albums in the near future.

10. Drunkdriver- Self titled
It's on here for basically being the last record these guys will ever release under the name of Drunkdriver. It's honestly pretty sad what the outcome was, considering that it shouldn't have been made as a big deal for what it already was. Regardless, after several teases from record labels unsure of releasing this, Drunkdriver decided to release it by themselves, Thankfully.
Couple 7 Inches that kicked ass:
Culo- Military Trend
Leather- Self titled
Manipulation- self titled
Rival Mob- Hardcore for Hardcore
House Boat- Processing Complaints
Body Cop