Sterile EP
Jade Tree
1. No Motivation
2. Zek
3. Relapse
4. Novitiate
Probably one of the more recent releases I've came across that startled, but excited me. I remember Leather fondly, seeing them at the Nazi Dust show in August. They're were one of two bands (the other being Culo) that made more of an impression that night, playing with a fury unmatched by the rest of the lineup that evening. I even purchased their Anchorite 7 inch and was floored once more, hearing in my opinion some of the best, jaw-dropping hardcore in recent memory. So, it surprised me that Leather was at it again with a new release, and from what I'm hearing, it's two damn good to miss out on.
I was surprised to see these guys release Sterile on Jade Tree, but it does make sense, considering how fantastic these guys are live, but also on record. Sterile, compared to Anchorite has a different sound production, emphasizing the Cro-Mags vibe more noticeable, not that it was hard before. Agran's vocal mirror John Joesph's, adding more a dark, howling approach. It's spine chilling almost, especially when hearing a track like "Zek"; the sheer aggression just being poured from all around. Agran's delivers at new heights, incorporating a bit of melody here and there, while retraining his hard, sinister approach on the mic. The rest of the band hasn't lost their touch either; playing more clean-cut organized hardcore than their contemporaries. "Relapse" is a perfect example; playing Straight to the bone hardcore, not having to go outside the realms of being unpredictable to make a bold statement. Then again, Leather still manages to bring the unexpected, avoiding the unnecessary bullshit acquired.
Pre-orders are being taken up now via Jade Tree, shipped around April 19th. The Anchorite 7 inch is also being released through the same webstore in limited quantities. Album comes with free download through the pre-order, so really no excuse to miss out.
Jade Tree