I figured I could not miss this chance and not put something up about Dillinger Four because 1., their probably the best punk band out there busting their chops on tour, and 2. their latest CD is most in fact ruining my life, but in so many good ways.
I remember running into this band when my buddy, Chris, was taking the group up to Gene and Judes for the ritual hot dog run, despite the fact it's about an hour away but whatever, we're retarded like that. Any who, he turns over to look at backseat of his car, where his younger brother Tony and I were smashed together in his bright yellow cobalt, and says "You hear of a band named Dillinger Four buddy?" Till that point, I had only heard of them in numerous zines but never heard any of their catalog before. I say "No" and in the most nonchalant, cool sort of way that wouldn't make me look bad, kidding of course. "Well, bud you're in for ride," he replies and pushes the CD in his stereo, where the beginning dialogue starts then leads in to the title track "A Jingle for the product".
I was amazed at that track, mainly just how it was arranged so god damn perfectly, from beginning to end. The guitars, the bass, the drums, everything! Earlier fans would say that the album is much too catchy compared to their other albums but I don't see a difference, still don't. The most unique factor regarding CIVIL WAR is the vocals of guitarist Erik Funk and bassist Patrick Costello , that's what got me the most. It was clean and slicker than their previous releases, and it's not hard to miss this with standout tracks like "americaspremeirefaithbasedinitiative" and "The Art of Whore". My personal favorite track from this album is "Gainesville", most likely a tribute to the Fest in Florida, where coincidentally D4 is set to play today on Halloween. the easy to follow lyrics, the catchy chorus, and those chords, those chords... Yea, this album is like punk crack, don't even bring up Leftöver Crack or LOC side bands.
So if you haven't heard it yet, I doubt that is, go and give it a spin. If you are new to them, hit up these tracks of CIVIL WAR, brought to you of course by Fat Wreck Chords, and if you like it, buy it because frankly, you know you want too. Enjoy and Peace!
"americaspremeirefaithbasedinitiative"- Fat-wreck
"A Jingle or the Product"- Fat-wreck
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