This band is relatively new, at least in regards to Martin Sorrondeguy's music timeline. N.N. is a San Francisco Hardcore/Punk band, featuring members of Los Crudos, Limp Wrist, and Needles. Much like Los Crudos, the band displays harsh realities of life in their lyrics, all written in spanish, playing a relm of hardcore mashed in with a supple mix of Rock and Roll.
N.N formed way back in 2002, when the members finally got around to the idea of starting a band. As Martin puts in in their interview with Maximum Rock N'Roll in 2009, "We came into the band really slowly, but we were all like, "let's do this." We all understood where one another was coming from because we were all coming from a dark period. We all fit in that way."
Pasivos/Muertos 7" is their second to their credit, the first being a self-titled 7" that was released on Sorrondeguy's label Lengua Armada Records in 08'. This record sounds pretty catchy, despite genre labeling. A personal standout in my opinion is "Abrazos", a song explaining how we should come together, not in a sappy way I mind you but the idea of unity, despite the hardship. "Policia" is of course is dedicated to the police, exhibiting quite angry lyrics towards them. It's easy to quite get across, considering the first line in the song translates in English "you're useless". The record is a must have for a 4 song record; short, to the point, and manages to get the job done, or in this case, the damage done. Kudos to Martin and the crew, keep it coming.
As for attaining this record, I advise to check out your local record store. I managed to capture me a copy of this records from Reckless Records in Chicago, since I was informed by Martin himself he had no copies available. For those that live in Chicago, gracing the store with a visit would do wonders, but for those not in the Midwest, visit Reckless.com and you will thank me.
Reckless Records
Maximum RockNRoll
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