Korova- Demonstration Demo
1. Women of Sophistication
2. Magnets
3. Shareholders Meeting
4. Prophet with One Eye
There is nothing sweeter than a good ole dose of straight hardcore punk that manages to get you moving,especially one that is willing to combine a variety of different influences that some would not see coming in their direction. Korova seem to have this going on with their new demo, bringing a little bit of the old school hardcore feel, while creating a vibe of their own.
This Alabama band has been gaining buzz all around the world since their full length, Another Happy Customer, was released, getting compared to the likes of Black Flag, Poison Idea, and Ceremony to name a few. With the full length, a 7 Inch, and a couple demos under their belt, Korova have decided to release another demo in hopes of expanding their music and showcasing what this band is capable of, even if a couple kids are in shock and awe with their approach on hardcore punk.
Being new to this band, I didn't honestly know what really to expect but once I pressed the play button to their demo, I was hooked instantly from the minute the feedback had started. From there on, Korova blasted through like it was nobody's business. With these four new songs, Korova put a variety of different takes, incorporating a sludgish, heavier, style similar to Black Flag's My War, mixed in with feedback and vocals reminiscing Jerry from Poison Idea, all launched at top speed. From the first track off side A to the last, Korova doesn't lose its touch for the listener. I was pretty impressed with some of breakdowns that band had in it's second track "Magnets", having this dangerous deadlier vibe with their playing. To make things on the edge and interesting, the band also provided various layered samples through side A, sort of picturing an image of what a radio station would look like if Korova took over; Dismantled, Noisy, and in complete disarray, provided by commentary from a DJ who didn't know what to expect, anxiously awaiting for a response of help. The lyrics from some of the songs mainly deal with the "punk practices", referring it to a consume and digest kind of mantra exemplified on "Magnets" and "Shareholder's Meeting". Although a big majority of bands now a days often make political statements in their lyrics, none seem to manage capture the essential of real anger than Korova, something desperately needed in the current state of hardcore.
Side B is mainly a treat for the listener, showing how Korova would sound like when witnessed up close in person. Korova had recorded a live show during a tour with Vile Intent and Rational Animals, at Magic City Wholesale. Their set list consisted of songs from their catalog, along with an Infest Cover as a special incentive. I think it to understand how the band is live, heading down to any gig of theirs is in order. From what I heard though, it sounds like good ass hardcore show to partake in; lots of action from both the band and the crowd, no impersonations, just pure hardcore.
Demos are up for order at the band's bandcamp account for only $3.75 for the demo itself, a T-shirt package along with the demo for $12.50, and a digital download of the demo for any asking price, no joke. The demos are limited to 100 copies for the time being, but have provided a stream of the demo on their bandcamp site. The demo is worth the buy and considering the asking price for a digital download, It's not a bad deal at all.
One major aspect I found interesting about this band is the fact that Korova are quite supportive of music blogs, found inside and out on the internet, stating they haven't lost any sales what so ever in an interview with noisecreep a while back in July. Vocalist Ian Wise commented on the theory of music blog being the cause of decline sales of music, providing some interesting points for naysayers. I decided to put in that link as well, in case people are curious to hear his standpoint. Overall, the demo is superb in my book and I anxiously await for future releases from Korova. If still unimpressed by any reason, you might as well plug in nothing and hit record.
"We haven't lost one Sale to anyone from Music Blogs"
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