It might be a little risky to fully declare this LP one of the best pop punk releases of this year, considering we're only in August. But honestly, It's going to be quite tough to really top this album.
Hailing from the Midwest(Ohio to be more specific), The Dopamines have been going non-stop in trying to get their name across the mainstream, playing and set to be appearing at various fests; Insubordination Fest, Riot Fest, The Fest just to name a few. Their tour dates have been pretty hectic of late, but are receiving success and much anticipation in this hear release. Is this record worth listening too? Yes, in fact.
Compared to their self titled album, their music hasn't change so much, at least indicating any other genre of music. It's Pop punk, what can you expect really? Their lyrics are somewhat referring to same subjects found in their previous album, such as heartbreak, booze, faults in people, boozes, drugs, booze. Nothing too vaguely different, but what gives this album the punch it deserves is really how the songs are displayed. The Melodic vocals, the driven bass lines, engaging guitar chords, and the just hilarious, catchy, lyrics ever written. Probably a little bonus for TV lovers would be the Futurama sample found on "Waking up In The Monroe House with cat hair in my mouth".
Some of my personal favorites are "You'd make a good Horsecop", the first track off this record. This is one of the tracks that displays great duo vocals from the group, not to mention inspired the title of said review. Another catchy track stuck on replay in my head is "Thank You Very Much", mainly the chorus is repeated in my mind, but try naming a song with a chorus that's pretty irresistible to sing with your thoughts. The track's great if you're ever stuck in a nostalgia moment with friends, recounting old memories found in the back of the closet, good or bad I suppose.
I hope this group gets the attention they deserve when the years comes to a close. Just this year alone, I've encountered this group three times and each of those times they've never failed to disappoint live when they come down to the windy city and the surrounding suburbs of my little town. Truly this band is great, even if you don't like pop punk music what so ever.
Some say pop never truly recovered since the hiatus of the Descendants and with the break ups of soon to be legends in underground music, namely The Ergs! and The Steinways but if there was a stable of bands that were continuing to prove otherwise, The Dopamines would no doubt be included. It's like the saying goes about the Midwest, "We're Strong-You're Weak".
If they're in your town, do the best thing and support these fellas, whether by buying their merch or a case of beer. Nuff said!
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